Clean Table 台面清理 When the guests to leave the lobby lounge Lefe hand dragging the tray with a fabric 左手托托盘,托盘中放一块净布 The rest of the food unified into a dirty cup 将剩下的食物统一放入一个脏杯具内 Removed the table the remaining empty cups into the tray 将桌上剩余的空杯撤下放入托盘中 Table and wipe clean with a net cloth, with back to the workplace 用净布将桌面擦干净,一起带回工作间 Ground residual food and debris clean up (the tray edge close to th e edga of the tabl) 将台面残留物品及面包屑类清扫至托盘内 ( 将托盘边缘贴近桌子边 缘) Desktop clean up after the ornaments required to be placed neatly 桌面清理干净后将装饰物品按规定摆放整齐 Ground residual food and debris clean up 将地面残留的食物及残渣清理干净 The above operation to wait for the guests to leave the lobby lou nge can be carried out 以上操作需等客人离开大堂吧区域方可进行 When the desktop clean up guests items left behind,if there is t he first time the items to return guests . 清理桌面是需注意是否有客人遗留物品,如有,第一时间将物品 归还给客人
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