HOW TO POLISH & HANDLE CHINA WARE 怎样擦和处理瓷器 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客人的期望: That the table is set and lay out with clean, polish and sh iny equipment. 桌子要摆放干净、器皿都擦得很光亮。 Prepare hot water. 准备热水  Fill up 25% of the soaking pan or wine cooler with boiling water. (Change the water if it gets cold).  在冰桶内装 25% 的热水(如果水凉了,就要更换) Prepare linen glass cloth. (These are special cloths) 准备净布 Damping one cloth with hot water.  用净布沾一点儿热水。 Ready to clean. 准备擦  Use the damp cloth to polish the chinaware  用湿的净布擦亮瓷器。 Effective handling 怎么摆放 For cups, hold the handle.  For plates and bowls, with four fingers under lower edge and placed the thumb by the r im of plate surface.  茶杯:拿住茶杯把儿。碟子和碗:拇指拿住边,其他四指拿住底部。  Pick out the chinaware with stains on, return to steward to wash again.  从工作台拿出来的时候,还要在擦一遍 Summary questions: 总结:  Why do you use boiling hot water?  1. 为什么要用热水?  Why should you dampen the cloth?  2. 为什么要用净布沾热水?  Why should hold the cup at the handle?  3. 为什么要拿杯柄?  Why should you put your thumb on the rim?  4. 为什么要用四指拿住杯子底部?  Why is this task important for you and our guests?  Answers: 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? 答案:  To maximize the guest satisfaction  使客人满足感最大化 To make the guest feel comfortable and has a good initial impression of the venue  使客人感到舒适,并且有一个好的第一印象 

pptx文档 7 怎样擦和处理瓷器

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