HOW TO THANK GUEST UPON DEP ARTURE 怎样在客人离开时感谢客人 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客户期望: I expect to be thanked for my business (I can easily go so mewhere else because there is a wide range of other plac es I can choose from) and to be requested to come back soon. 我期望我是被感谢的,为他们带来了生意。(因为我有很 多选择,我可以去其他地方) Guest is leaving. 客人即将离开 Pull the chair slightly away when the guest stands up. 客人起身时,为客人轻推椅子 Return hand coats/case bag to guest.(if any) 将客人的大衣或手袋递给客人 Stand upright with smile and eye contact. 站直并且微笑,与客人眼睛交流 Bid farewell to the guest. 与客人道别 Say, “Thank you, Mr. / Mrs. XXX or Sir/Madam (if you don’t know their na me by then), Have a pleasant day.” 说:“谢谢您! XXX 先生 / 女士,祝您有愉快的一天”, Any staff that sees the guest upon walking out to the entrance should sta nd upright with smile and eye contact with the guest and say “Thank you”. 送客人到门口,站直,微笑与客人保持目光接触,再次说谢谢! Summary questions: 总结: Why should you pull the chair away for the guest? 1. 为什么需要给客人拉椅子? Why should you help the guests with his/her coat or bag? 2. 为什么要帮助客人拿包和外套? Why should you have eye contact? 3. 为什么要有眼睛的交流? Why should you thank the guest? 4. 为什么要感谢客人? Why should you wish the guests a pleasant day? 5. 为什么要祝客人有愉快的一天? Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? Answers: 答案: To maximize the guest satisfaction 使客人的满足感最大化 To thank guest for coming to make him/her feel good to give us their business 感谢客人的光临 / 是他们感觉良好以给我们带来生意 It also gives you a last change where the guest might give you direct feed back about his experience before he leaves 在客人离开前,这是我们获得客人反馈意见的最后机会
4 怎样在客人离开时感谢客人
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