HOW TO PICK UP THE PHONE 怎样接电话 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客人的期望: That the phone is picked up within 3 rings and to be greeted over the phone with a friendly and smiley voice by an experienced well-trained staff member who is knowledgeable about the menu and the outlet details. 电话响 3 声以内拿起,以一种友好,微笑的声音问候客人,员工有很好的培 训,并清楚菜单内容和餐厅的细节。 Answer calls promptly and pleasantly. 及时愉悦的回答电话 All calls must be answered within 3 rings. 所有电话都要在 3 声以内接起 Speak clearly in a polite and pleasant tone. Don’t forget to smile! Guest can hear you r smile! 说话要清晰礼貌,不要忘记微笑,因为客人能听到你的微笑。 Note: Telephone operators should consistently provide a polite and proper standard phrase for a greeting. 注意:接电话要保持一致性问候语,口齿清晰,语速慢。 All callers must be greeted with a pleasant voice. Speak directly into the mouthpiece , speak slowly and clearly. 接电话一定要声音甜美,对准话筒,清晰慢速的讲话。 Pick up the phone gently. 轻拿起话筒 Because the call comes from an in-house guest, the guest’s name will be displ ayed either on the console or on the telephone, and the following phrase must be used: 如果电话是从房间里打出来的(客房内),电话上会显示出客人的姓名和房号 ,所以要称呼客人的姓名。 “Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./ Mrs. XXX. YYY (name of outlet), XXX (Your name) Speaking, How may I help you?” “ 早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好, XXX 先生 / 女士,华膳中餐厅,我是 XXX ,有什 么可以帮到您的吗?” Answer the phone and guest listen carefully. 仔细聆听客人的电话 Be patient and do not interrupt the caller, listen carefully and reply accordingly. 根据客人问得问题回答,问什么答什么。 Thank the guest 感谢客人 Say: “Thank you for your call Mr. / Mrs. XXX, is there anything else I can do for you?” “ 感谢您的来电, XXX 先生 / 女士,还有什么其他的事情我可以帮到您吗?” Wait for a few seconds and let the caller hang up the phone first, then you hang up th e phone. 等客人挂断电话,我们在挂电话。 Summary questions 总结 Why should the phone be picked up within 3 rings 1. 为什么铃响三声内需要接起? Why should you speak clearly and with a smile? 2. 为什么要面带微笑接听电话? Why should you speak slowly and clearly? 3. 为什么接电话要语速慢且清晰? Why should you use the guest’ name? 4. 为什么要称呼客人的名字? Why should you greet the guests with good morning, etc? 5. 为什么接到客人电话,首先要问客人早上好之类问候语? Why should you ask, “How may I help you”? 6. 为什么要问客人“有什么可以帮到您的吗?” Why should you not interrupt the caller? 7. 为什么不能打断客人讲话? Why should you listen carefully? 8. 为什么需要仔细倾听? Why should you thank the guest? 9. 为什么要感谢客人? Why should the caller hang up first? 10. 为什么要等客人先挂电话? Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? Answers: 答案: To ensure the phone is picked up in a professional and timely manner 确保电话可以以专业的礼仪被及时的接起 To maximize the guest satisfaction 使客人的满足感最大化 Orders should be taken complete and efficient, while suggestion options to the guest 要完整并高效的记下客人的点单,同时为客人提出建议
5 怎样接电话
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