HOW TO RECEIVE A RESERVATION 怎样接受预定 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客户期望: I expects the staff to take the reservation in a friendl y manner, that the details are taken correctly and to ensure I am thanked for my reservation 我期望员工能以友好的态度来做我的预定,并正确记录下 内容,确保对我的预定表示感谢。 STEPS 步 骤 Pick up the telephone. 拿起电话 Answer the telephone within 3 rings. 电话在 3 声之内拿起 Greet the guest. 问候客人 With a friendly and smiling voice, say 声音要友好 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, lobby Lounge ,XX s peaking. how may I help you?”/How may I assist yo u?’ 微笑说:“早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好, 这里是大堂酒廊, 我是 XXX ,有什么可以帮您的?” Take a reservation. 做预定 Take down all the relevant information in a courteous manner: 记录所有的预定内容: @ Reservation name. 订位名称 @ Number of guests. 客人的数量 @ Arrival date & time. 到达的日期、时间 @ Special request (occasion). 特别要求 @ Name of the caller, date and time 来电者的姓名,日期,时间。 @ Contact telephone number. 联系电话。 Repeat the reservation to the guest. 重复预定 Say ”May I repeat your reservation Mr./Mrs./Ms. XXXX ?” (Repeat all the information). 向客人重复预定:“我可以重复您的预定吗? XXX 先生 / 女士” Thank the guest (by name) for calling and “wishes a pleasant day”. 并要感谢客人的来电并祝愿客人。 Confirm the reservation with the guest on the arrival day. 客人抵达时确认预定 Waiter/tress or Hostess is to confirm the reservation in the morning between 09:00 and 11:00 hours. 服务人员或领位确认预定在上午 9 点 ---11 点。 Say “ we are looking forward to your arrival” “ 我们期待您的光临!” Summary questions 总结 Why should the phone be answered within 3 rings? 1. 为什么要在铃声响三声之内接起电话? Why do you pick up the phone with a smiling & friendly voice? 2. 为什么要面带微笑以一种友好的方式接听电话? Why do you use your name? 3. 为什么要在电话中报出自己的名字? Why do you need to repeat the reservations? 4. 为什么需要重复预定? Why do you need to be courteous? 5. 为什么需要很有礼貌? Why do have to write down all the information? 6. 为什么需要记下所有的信息? Why do you need so much information? 7. 为什么需要这些信息? Why do you need the callers’ name? 8. 为什么需要留下电话预定者的名字? Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这个课题对你和客人很重要? Answers: 答案: To maximize the guest satisfaction 使客人的满足感最大化 To ensure the guest is not disappointed upon arrival because details are not corr ect 确保当客人抵达时不会因为记错细节而使客人失望 To ensure the restaurant operation can handle the guest volume/business for th at meal period so every guest will have a good experience 确保客人在餐厅营业时间内可以处理商务,以确保客人用餐愉快
2 怎样接受预定
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