HOW TO POLISH & HANDLE CUTLE RY 怎样擦和处理餐具 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客人的期望: That the table is set and lay out with clean, polish and shin equipment. 桌子要摆放干净、器皿都擦得很光亮。 Prepare hot water. 准备热水 Fill up 25% of the soaking pan or wine cooler with boiling water. (Change t he water if it gets cold). 在冰桶内装 25% 的热水(如果水凉了,就要更换) Prepare linen glass cloth. (These are special cloths) 准备净布 Use the dry cloth to polish cutlery 用干的净布擦亮餐具 Pick out the chinaware with stains on, return to steward to wash again. 拿出来的银器如果有污渍,再擦一遍。 Ready to clean. 准备擦 Put cutlery in the hot water with the handle up. 把餐具放进热水。 Use the cloth to polish the cutlery. 用净布擦亮餐具 Effective handling 怎么摆放 Group different types of cutleries in order. 不同的餐具有不同的用法。 Hold the handle of the cutlery and dip it into hot water. Fold the cloth i nto half, put left end of the cloth on the right hand. 把餐具在热水里面沾一下,净布放在右手上,拿住餐具的中间,用左手 擦拭。 Note: Do this the other way around if you are left handed. 注意事项:如果是左撇子,就用相反的方法 Hold the cutlery handle with the left hand using the cloth. 用左手拿餐具的把儿,右手擦拭。 Use another end of glass cloth to polish cutlery. 用净布的另一边擦拭餐具。 The handle is to be polished last before putting it on the clean tray. Once polish don’t touch the cutlery 把擦干净的餐具放在干净的托盘中,当餐具擦干净后就不要在碰了。 Summary questions: 总结 Why do you use boiling hot water? 1. 为什么要用热水? Why should you dampen the cloth? 2. 为什么要用净布? Why should hold the cup at the handle? 3. 为什么要拿住杯柄? Why should you put your thumb on the rim? 4. 为什么要将手指放到杯沿? Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? Answers: 答案: To maximize the guest satisfaction 使客人满足感最大化 To make the guest feel comfortable and has a good initial impression of the venue 使客人感到舒适,并且有一个好的第一印象
8 怎样擦和处理餐具
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