HOW TO GREET GUESTS 怎样问候客人 GUEST EXPECTATION 客人的期望 I expect the staff to greet me in a friendly, timely and warm manner with a smile and to make me feel welcome at the Re staurant or Bar and to acknowledge me by name when I am a returning guest to the establishment. 我希望员工能面带微笑,适时的友好的问候我,让我觉得我 是被这个饭店或酒吧欢迎的,当我作为客人返回酒店时,能 以称呼我的名字的方式表示对我的注意。 Welcome guest 问候客人  Stand upright with eye contact and smile besides the hostess stand 目光注视并微笑,站在领位台旁边。  Greet the guest by saying,  问候客人并说,  “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,  早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好,  If you know the name: Mr. / Mrs. XXX  如果知道客人的名字,请称呼: XXX 先生 / 女士  If you don’t know the name: Sir / Madam welcome to Pavilion” (Name of o utlet)  如果不知道客人名字 , 请称呼:“先生 / 女士,欢迎光临艺廊” (使用餐厅 名称 Followed by:  A table for XXX ? (Mention the accompanied number of persons)  您需要一张 XXX 个座位的桌子吗?(报出随行人员的人数)  or 或者 A table for how many guests would you like?  你需要一张几个座位的桌子?  Bring the guest the table.  将客人带到餐桌旁 Summary questions 总结  Why is this task important for you and our guests? 1. 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要?  Why should you stand upright?  2. 为什么要笔直的站立?  Why should you have eye contact?  3. 为什么要有目光的交流?  Why should you smile?  4. 为什么要微笑?  Why should you use the guest’s name?  5. 为什么要称呼客人姓名?  Why should you use the name of the outlet?  6. 为什么要使用餐厅的名字?  Why do you need to know the number of guests?  7. 为什么需要知道有几位客人就餐? Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这个课题对你和客人很重要? Answers: 答案: To make the guest feel welcome and acknowledge reg ular guests 使客人感受到热烈的欢迎并且招呼常住客 To maximize the guest satisfaction 使客人的满足感最大化

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