Standardized Recipe Multi Grade Group Recipe No: RECIPE NAME: Grade Group: Number of Portions: Portion Size: Serving Utensil: Servings per pan: Grade Group: Number of Portions: Portion Size: Serving Utensil: Servings per pan: INGREDIENTS List in order used Total Yield Weight: Measure (vol.): MEASURE Weight Volume HACCP Process: #1 No Cook #2 Cook & Serve Same Day #3 Includes cooling step PREPARATION DIRECTIONS Number of Pans: Pan Size: Meal Component Contribution/Nutrition Analysis Based on Portion Size Specify the grade group in the columns: Grade Group: Meat/Meat Alternate D/G B/P R/O S Vegetable Subgroups Fruits Grains Calories Saturated Fat (g) Sodium (g) Trans Fat Grade Group: Number of Portions: Portion Size: Serving Utensil: Servings per pan: Equipment (if not specified in procedures above): Grade Group: O D/G B/P R/O Grade Group: S O D/G B/P R/O S O Standardized Recipe Multi Grade Group D/G= Dark Green B/P= Beans/Peas (Legumes) R/0=Red/Orange S=Starchy O=Other Recipe No: RECIPE NAME: INGREDIENTS List in order used MEASURE Weight PREPARATION DIRECTIONS Volume Standardized Recipe Multi Grade Group