Foreword Food culture is an important part of China’s traditional culture. It has a long history. With the progression of globalization, Chinese food is now found all over the world. Its variety of selection, unique culinary art, as well as its fine shapes and rich tastes have spread the depth and diversity of Chinese food culture to the world. In the past 40 years, with the reform and opening up, as well as the ever-broadening international exchanges, our foreign friends show increasing interest in Chinese food culture. It is now necessary to standardize the English translation of Chinese menu so as to better disseminate the Chinese food culture to the world. With her great success in holding the "unique and high-level" 29th Olympic Games, Beijing, as China's capital city and cultural center, has now initiated the grand project of making herself a World City. As part of the work, the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality has organized the compilation and publication of the book Enjoy Culinary Delights: A Chinese Menu in English, hoping it will help to improve the hospitality service and enhance the competitive strength and influence of our capital city. Attain harmony in dietary desires; share happiness among nations. We hope this book will help our foreign friends to better appreciate Chinese food and understand China's food culture. We hope, also, that the book can do its bit in helping to learn English and management skills for Hoteliers and Hospitality Major Students. 前 言 饮食文化是中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,历史源远流长。全球化进程的深 入推进,使中华美食走遍世界,享誉全球。多样的选材、独到的技法、精美的造型和 丰富的口感,在不经意间向世人传递中华饮食文化的博大精深。 改革开放40多年来,中国与国际社会的交流不断深入,外国友人对中华饮食文化 表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣。在中国国际影响力显著提升的今天,规范中华美食的英文 译名,有利于广泛传播中华饮食文化,促进更多领域的中国文化走向世界。 作为中国的首都和文化中心,北京在成功举办一届“有特色、高水平”奥运会 后,提出了建设世界城市的宏伟目标。此时,北京市政府外事办公室牵头成立编委 会,编辑出版《美食译苑——中文菜单英文译法》一书,有助于进一步增强城市对外 服务水平,提升首都国际竞争力和影响力。 “饮德食和,万邦同乐”,希望这本书能够成为各餐饮经营者提供菜品翻译参考 ,为中国饮食文化走向世界提供支持,为酒店同行或酒管专业学子提供助力。 《美食译苑——中文菜单英文译法》编委会 主 任:赵会民 主任委员:高树茂 沈国放 张 谦 姚东桥 委 员:卢津兰 魏志强 郭 磊 赵德良 于燕妮 张五星 梁 瑛 宋 杰 金 王 丰 天 杨 洋 评审专家:(按照姓氏拼音排序) 陈 琳 程慕胜 杜大卫(美) 戴宗显 方 立 过家鼎 黄 庆 黄有义 胡壮麟 柯马凯(英) 吕和发 马登阁 施燕华 王晓明 严瑞源 张 谦 赵会民 酒店英语(Hotel-English)由多名资深酒店管理职业 经理人以及资深高校英语专业教师合作管理运营。 旨在为广 大酒店从业者或酒店管理专业院校学生提 供一个英语学习交流和管理知识技能的分享平台。 助力酒店管理、提升英语能力! 感谢关注酒店英语! 更多干货请关注公众号领取 目录 Table of Contents 翻译的原则 Principles of Translation ························ 第一章 中餐 Chinese Cuisine·········································· 中国菜的分类 Classifications ·················································· 1. 八大菜系 Eight Famous Cuisines ············································· 1.1. 鲁菜 Lu Cuisine (Shandong Cuisine) ····································· 1.2. 川菜 Chuan Cuisine (Sichuan Cuisine) ·································· 1.3. 粤菜 Yue Cuisine (Guangdong Cuisine) ······························· 1.4. 闽菜 Min Cuisine (Fujian Cuisine) ········································· 1.5. 苏菜 Su Cuisine (Jiangsu Cuisine) ········································ 1.6. 浙菜 Zhe Cuisine (Zhejiang Cuisine) ···································· 1.7. 湘菜 Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine) ····································· 1 1.8. 徽菜 Hui Cuisine (Anhui Cuisine) ·········································· 2. 菜品分类 Types of Courses ····················································· 2.1. 凉菜类 Cold Dishes ······························································· 2.2. 热菜类 Hot Dishes ································································ 2.3. 汤羹粥煲类 Soups, Congees & Casseroles ·························· 2.4. 主食和小吃 Main Food & Snacks ········································· 第二章 西餐 Western Cuisine········································· 一、开胃菜 Appetizers ······························································ 二、汤类 Soups ········································································· 三、副菜 Entrées ······································································· 四、主菜 Main Courses ···························································· 五、配菜 Side Dishes ······························································ 六、甜点 Desserts ····································································· 2 第三章 饮品 Drinks ······························································ 一、酒精类饮料 Alcoholic Beverages ··································· 1. 国酒 Chinese Wines & Liquors ················································· 2. 洋酒 Imported Wines & Liquors ········································
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