Food Take Away Waiver Form 外带打包食品弃权书 The food I have requested to take away from the hotel was serviced from either an a la carte menu or private function. In doing so, I undersigned, removed this food with full understanding that there may be certain food safety risks involved that I assume responsibility for a result of my decision, I agree that I shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast and their respective trustees, beneficiaries, directors, officers, employees and agents and the successors and assigns if each of the foregoing (collectively, the “indemnified parties”)for, from and against any and all claims except to the extent such claims are caused by licensor’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.本人要求带走酒店提 供的食品,我的签名代表我已经完全了解我所要承担的任何关于食品安全方面的风险和责任。这个 决定表示我确认放弃对北京海航大厦万豪酒店所要任何索赔的权利,除非赔偿申请是由于酒店方的 明显失误或故意失职等所造成的。 I understand that this is a legal document, I have read and understood this document and I understand all the terms stared within this document. I sign this document with full knowledge of this meaning and significance.我已经了解这是一份法律文件。我已经阅读和理解这份文件及其所规定的的条款。我在 完全理解其含义和重要性的情况下签署了此文件。 Please check all that apply.请确认所有申请事项。 I am a registered hotel guest I am the event organizer 我是入住登记的客人 I am a local resident 我是活动组织者 我是本地常驻居 民 Hotel guest check in date: Check out date: 酒店客人入住日期 离店日期 Room NO.: . 房间号 Legal Name(print)合法姓名(印章): . Legal Name(print)合法姓名(署名): . Date 日期: . Hotel Management/ Witness 酒店方经理/证人: Name(print)姓名(印章): . . Name(print)姓名(署名): Position 职位: Date 日期: .

docx文档 外带打包食品弃权书

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