客人自带食品免责协议 Disclaimer Agreement regarding food which brought by Guest 甲方/Party A: 乙方/Party B:(酒店名称) 按照甲方要求,为满足客人特殊需求,提供更个性的服务,甲方自带食品,在酒店食用或需要乙方厨 房员工为其代为加工,为客人提供饮食,对此行为特别申明: To cater for the guest’s special requirements and to offer personalized service, Party B promise Party A’s bringing external food to the hotel or demand of processing the food for some function. Here is the declaration to standard rights & responsibilities each party should afford as for such conditions. 1. 甲方必须保证自带食品和乙方代加工食品供应途径合法并且符合我国食品安全需求,如发生任 何纠纷乙方概不负责,甲方应赔偿给乙方造成的损失;同时,乙方对于国家法律法规、行业规 范明令禁止不能食用的或者对人体有毒有害的以及酒店根据自身专业的判断不能加工的各种食 品,乙方有权拒绝加工。 Party A must ensure the food brought meet country hygiene standard and not contaminated which an important premise of processing the food. If there occurs any disputes, Party B will not be responsible and Party A shall compensate Party B for its losses. Simultaneously, Party B has the right to refuse kinds of food which is prohibited by the laws and regulations, is harmful to the human body or cannot be processed at Party B’s decision. 2. 甲方对自带和代加工食品以及在同期用餐食品安全,由甲方自行负责,乙方不承担任何责任; Party B has no responsibilities to guarantee the processed catering food safety which are brought outside and the guests’ dinning security during the same period. Party B shall be responsible for such safety. 3. 甲方应对自身健康状况有全面了解,若因食用自带和代加工食品以及同期用餐食品而发生任何 后果,由甲方自行负责,乙方不承担任何责任。 Party A shall know well about its body station, Party A shall be responsible for all the results caused by the food brought by itself or processed by Party B or the food eaten at the Hotel, and Party B shall Not assume any responsibility hereof. 4. 本协议双方签字有效; The declaration will not be effective except owning both sides’ signature. 5. 本协议解释权归中山利和希尔顿酒店所有。 Hilton Zhongshan Downtown owns the agreement interpretation right regarding the foods being brought outside for catering and processed in the hotel for food function. 6. 本协议以中英文书写,两者不一致的,以中文文本为准。 This agreement has Chinese and English version. Whereas there is any discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 甲方签字: Signature Party A: 日期: Date: 乙方签字: 日期: Signature Party B: Date:

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