运营部 学会 Learn to 容 Groom G N O WR 散发 Scattered hair 头发未盘起 Hairs are not tied up 女员工须按照酒店规定盘起过肩长发,保持清洁无头屑 Female associates must tie long hairs and keep hair clean and without dandruff ·刘海整洁,不可遮住眉毛,如果需 要可以将刘海梳于脑后 ·所有过肩长发的女员工,需将用酒 店发放的发网将头发盘起 ·使用黑色发饰,无装饰物的黑色发 卡及橡皮筋 员工须鬓角修短,后颈发不得超过制服衣领,不得剃光头,保持清洁无头屑 Male associates must keep short sideburns, hair should be shorter than collar, prohibition to shaved head. Keep hair clean and no dandruff 工作时的发色 全染过浅、亮的颜色 Hair color while at work Light dyed or bright dyed hair 挑染 Partly dyed hair WRONG 发色保持自然色 Keep hair in natural color WRONG 女生工作时的妆容 Grooming while at work 不允许不化妆,艳妆 清新自然的职业装 WRONG RIGHT 妆容清新自然、职业 Grooming must be natural and professional 男生工作时的面容 Facial appearance while at work WRONG RIGHT 每日剃胡须,不应露出鼻毛 Shave everyday and should not show of nose hair 工作时的指甲 Fingernails while at work 保持指甲干净、修剪整齐、禁止留长指甲,指甲油须自然色 (餐饮部及客房部员工禁止染指甲) Keep fingernails clean, well trimmed, prohibition to keep long fingernails, natural color polish (F&B and HSKP associates mustn’t polish fingernails and keep long fingernails ) 工作时的指甲 Facial appearance while at work 指甲过长 Long fingernails 手指不清洁 Dirty fingers W R ON G 指甲颜色 Finger nail color 饰品-戒指 Jewelry-Rings 佩戴多枚戒指 More than one rings WR 佩戴式样夸张 Exaggerated design 只能佩戴一枚式样简单的戒指 Only wear one ring G N O 饰品-耳环 Jewelry-earrings 佩戴多枚耳钉 Multiple earrings 佩戴悬挂式耳环 Dangle earrings WR G N O 女员工只能佩戴一副耳钉(左右各一),不得佩戴悬挂式耳环 Matching single earring in each ear,no dangle earrings 饰品-项链 Jewelry-Necklace 佩戴一条样式简单的项链 Only one necklace, simply style 项链须收在制服内 Necklace must be tucked under the uniform 饰品-手链/手镯 Jewelry-Bracelet WR G N O 手链须收在制服内 Bracelet must be tucked under the uniform 饰品-脚链 Jewelry-Ankle chain 佩戴脚链 Wear ankle chain WR 不可佩戴脚链 No ankle chain G N O 饰品- 眼镜 Jewelry - Glasses 眼镜为简单款式,不允许佩戴彩色夸张的边框,最好 为银色、金色、细边黑框或无框眼镜 Eye glasses should be simple and classic, bright colored frame are not acceptable. Silver, gold, thin black or frameless glasses are the preferred type of glasses. 隐形眼镜颜色为自然色 Contact lenses should be worn in natural eye color only. 饰品-手表 Jewelry-Watch 手表式样不符合制服款式 Design of watch doesn’t match the uniform WR G N O 避免手表颜色过于鲜艳,式样夸张 Avoid wearing over- shiny watch and exaggerated design 员工名牌 Name badge 徽章与名牌平行放置,不被遮挡,没有破损,位置端正保持干净完好 Hampton pin and name badge are paralleled, keep them clean and in good condition 制服袜子 Socks 丝袜破洞 Socks with holes W R ON G 袜子颜色与制服颜色不符 Wrong sock color 保持统一颜色,无破洞、脱丝 Keep it the same color and without holes and silk off

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