Food and Beverage Do's and Don'ts Section Dos-Global Don'ts-Global General - All areas Food on display is to be adequately protected from contamination with proper temperature control handling and the use of sneeze guard, individual food covers and/or roller lids for hot food At a minimum one still and one sparkling bottled water must be offered Vegetarian, low fat, kosher and other dietry options are available at all times. Kosher and other religious requirements must be available if ordered in advance If TVs are in public spaces, only Sports and News channels are to be diplayed Coffee and tea to be a premium internationally recognisable brand (when divisional spec not available) Sugar and sugar substitutes (aspartame, saccharine, splenda) must be placed on the table prior to coffee and tea service. Where applicable honey may be offered 3 types of milk including one non-dairy option must be available with coffee and tea service Use seasonal, local produce where possible Update all menus at least twice a year Appropriate condiments are served with all items. For all beverages that need straws, use only black straws or black cocktail / swizzle sticks Operator shall follow all local alcohol and health ordinances and posting requirements. All staff must be trained in Serving Alcohol Responsibly and confirmation on file No Doilies No Plants, flowers and/or food props made of plastic are not used anywhere in the hotel. Don't: Use Paper cups except for take-away items. Use paper napkins except for take-away items or for cocktail napkins for banquets. Use paper plates anywhere. Don't present bills without a pen No instant coffee Do not Present checks with pens from other establishments Don't use BOH trollies in FOH spaces during service times Brewed coffee is not older than 30 minutes. Don't Use plastic sachets for sauces Don't Use ripped / torn/ holed or dirty linen Don't serve ice in mineral water All drinks shall be served from a service tray (except at the bar). Correct style and range of glassware Don't use poor quality printed or photocopied menus (by approved recipe) shall be available and used for each beverage. Do not place glasses on a coaster when a table cloth or placemat is on the table For all beverages that need straws, do not use colored straws or black cocktail / swizzle sticks Do not Use faded napkins. No fancy napkin fold – ie. swan fold, fan and artichoke No dirty uniforms / apron /shoes Vendor/distributor/manufacturer logos cannot be used on menus, coasters, napkins, etc. Don't serve foil-wrapped butter except where legally mandated Restaurants At least two choices of complimentary newspapers are available during all meal periods, including atleast one international option Tables are covered with either a fabric tablecloth or placemats (non-plastic), unless high quality wood/natural stone tabletops are in place, per restaurant design and concept. Menu font size must be at least 12 points (large enough to be easily read) Buffet dishes must have easy-to read labels on or near serving containers and must be professionally etched or printed Menu content complies with "trade descriptions" Menus for all restaurants and bars within a hotel must be available at all of the hotel's bars and restaurants Menu items are adequately described with clear and specific language All condiments (sauces, jams, preserves, etc.) are served in individual tamper-proof sealed glass jars of at least one (1) oz / 30 gm in volume (can serve in bulk containers on buffet) Ketchup (tomato sauce) and mustards, when served in all-day dining restaurant, may be served in full size bottles Ensure that restaurant images and descriptions and opening times are always up to date and accurate on hotel website. Don't seat Guest at an unset table No Laminated Menus Don't use aluminium/tin foil on any buffets Don't Serve frozen butter Do not Use Styrofoam displays; carvings on buffets, etc.should never be used Do not Use non-absorbent coasters Do not Serve non-full bottles of ketchup & mustards Do not Serve pre-poured ice-water Bars Lounges Guest is able to run a tab for drinks where legally applicable Drinks are appropriately garnished. Ensure that bar images and descriptions and opening times are always up to date and accurate on hotel website. When serving bar snacks, ensure premium quality snacks that add to the guest expereince In Room Dining Use hot boxes or hot plates as appropriate for items that need to be kept warm All condim

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