General beverage service sequence 服务酒水程序 greet the guest 问候客人 escort guest to the preferred table 引领客人至喜爱的座位 help to seat the guest 协助客人入座 bring the beverage menu 提供酒水单 take order 点单 remove menu and insert the order into micros system 将点单输入 Micros 系统 pick up drink, glassware and snack from the bar counter and che ck presentation 从服务台领取饮料、玻璃杯、小吃,并检查摆台 approach to guest table, service the beverage according to stand ard 按照服务标准,为客人服务酒水 prepare bill 准备账单 present bill to guest 将账单递给客人 settle payment 结账 font farewell 向客人道别 clear the table, set the table ready for next guest 清理桌子,准备迎接下一位客人 Beer service process 啤酒的服务流程 Draft beer: one cup or one Jug of the beer ,load eight full (does not include two centimeters bubble), 生啤酒:一杯或一扎啤酒时装入八分满(不括 2 厘米泡 沫) cold beer glass products 用冰啤酒杯出品 Left hand dragging the tray, went to the right side of the guest 左手拖拖盘,走到客人右侧 程序: Coaster , Paper, beer glass 杯垫, 纸巾, 啤酒杯 With gestures:“ excuse me, This is your *** (name) ,please enjoy” 配手势“您好,这是您点的 ***( 名字),请慢用” Bottle beer 瓶装啤酒 程序: 左手托托盘,走到客人右侧 首先放杯垫,纸巾 然后将啤酒杯放到客人右手边,(拿酒杯底部 ) 右脚向前一步,侧身倾倒啤酒至八分满(不包括 2cm 泡沫) 剩余的啤酒及酒瓶放在客人右手上方的位置 ,log 朝向客人, 啤酒倒完后撤走酒瓶 Left hand dragging the tray, went to the right side of the guest 左手拖拖盘,走到客人右侧 程序: Coaster beer mug , Paper (the lower half of grasping the cup) 杯垫,啤酒杯,纸巾(抓杯子的下半部分) Open the slowly into the cup to eight full ,the remaining beer in the glass abo ve the 45 degrees 将打开的啤酒缓缓倒入杯中至八分满,(不包括 2cm 泡沫)剩余啤酒放在酒 杯右上方 45 度 With gestures: ”Excuse me, This is your order*** ,please enjoy 配手势“您好,这是您点的 **** , 请慢用” Note : 注意事项: All drink produced need Ice cup 所有啤酒杯出品前都需冰杯
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