HOW TO OPEN AND SERVE A B OTTLE OF SPARKLING WINE 如何开和服务一瓶气泡酒 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客人的期望: To have the correct sparkling wine brought to the table and have th e bottle of wine opened correctly so wine can be tasted properly an d the wine label is intact. 拿到桌上的酒是正确的,正确的开酒方法,酒的味道和口感适当, 商标完整。 Prepare a bottle of sparkling wine. 准备一瓶气泡酒  Check the wine label and bin number against the POS printed order.  对应 pos 机打印单,再次核对确认酒的商标和年份 Obtain the bottle of sparkling wine and put it in the wine bucket, fill ice cubes i n the bucket until to the rim and add cold water.  放入冰桶,加冰加水,把口布放在冰桶上面。 Present the sparkling wine 展示气泡酒  Present the bottle in horizontal position and its label uppermost with a servic e cloth supporting the base of the bottle to the guest and says, “Mr./Mrs./M s./Sir/Madam XXXX.” this is the ordered sparkling wine, may I open it now?”  在客人面前,给点酒 / 主人展示酒,用口布,一手拿住瓶底,一手拿住瓶颈, 稍微倾斜,商标对着客人,说:“ XXX 先生 / 女士,这是您点的 XXX 酒,现在 可以给您开吗?”  Place the sparkling wine into the wine bucket.  将气泡酒放回冰桶 Open the sparkling wine. 开酒  Remove the foil and lift the sparkling wine cork’s toggle with your right hand, twist anti clockwise, holding the cork with your left hand’s thumb.  撕掉铝皮,右手握住气泡酒酒塞封线,反时针方向拧,同时用左手大拇指按住酒塞  (Keep your thumb on the cork until the sparkling wine is completely twisted open).  保持大拇指一直按住酒塞直到气泡酒完全被拧开  Twist the cork slowly with the right hand.  用右手轻轻拧开瓶塞 Remove the cork. 拔掉瓶塞  Applied strength to the thumb to prevent the cork from shooting up when you feel the cork is beginning to rise. (Note: no ‘pop’ s ound, let the cork slowly come up from the bottle while keeping the cork firm in your hand)  当你感觉木塞在向上顶出来的时候,拇指稍微用劲,避免蹦出。 (注意事项:不要发出“嘣”的声音,让木塞慢慢的出来,始终用 手控制一下。 )  Use a dry clean service cloth; wipe the mouth of the bottle inside out.  用干的净布擦瓶颈, 把木塞方在准备好的碟子上,用干净的餐巾纸, 从里向外擦干净一些木塞得残留物。  Place the cork upwards on the guest table besides the sparkling wine glass.  把瓶塞放在客人桌子上的气泡酒杯子旁边 Ready to serve. 准备服务  Wipe the bottle’s mouth inside out with the service cloth.  用餐巾由里向外擦拭瓶口  With the label facing the guest, pour the sparkling wine consisting of a mo uth full quantity for the guest to taste.  酒标面对客人,为试酒的客人到一口酒 Serving the sparkling wine. 服务汽泡酒  After guest has tasted, serving of sparkling wine will be clockwise.  客人试酒确认后,顺时针方向为客人倒酒  Pour 2/3 of sparkling wine in the glass.  倒酒倒酒杯的 2/3 Summary questions 总结  Why should you check the bin number and the wine label?  1. 为什么需要检查酒标和年份 ?  Why fill the bucket with ice cubes and cold water?  2. 为什么要往酒桶里加冰块和冰水?  Why do you put a napkin over the wine bucket?  3. 为什么要在酒桶上放一块口布?  Why should the label be visual for the guest when presenting?  4. 为什么在试酒时酒标要让可以看见 ?  Why should you support the bottle with a napkin?  5. 为什么要用口部持酒瓶服务?  Why should you ask the guest if they would like to have the wine open now?  6. 为什么需要询问客人他们是否需要现在开酒 ?  Why should you place the wine back in the bucket?  7. 为什么要把酒放回冰桶?  Why should the knife be sharp, clean and not rusty?  8. 为什么酒刀需要锋利,干净无生锈?  Why hold the bottle firm?  9. 为什么要紧握酒瓶 ?  Why should you remove the foil?  10. 为什么去掉铝皮?  Why do you place the foil in your pocket?  11. 为什么要把铝皮放进自己的口袋里?  Why be careful when closing the knife?  12. 为什么合上酒刀时候要小心?  Why should you wipe the month of the bottle and top of the cork?  13. 为什么要擦拭酒瓶口和酒塞顶部?  Why pierce the cork in the middle?  14. 为什么要对准酒塞的正中心开启?  Why should the cork be placed on the table in front of the guest?  15. 为什么要把酒塞放在客人面前的桌子上?  Why should you wipe the bottle inside out?  16. 为什么要从里向外擦拭酒瓶口 ?  Why should the label be facing the guests when pouring the wine?  17. 为什么倒酒时候酒标要面对客人 ?  Why should you pour only a mouth full in the glass?  18. 为什么只向酒杯里到一口酒? Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? Answers: 答案: To maximize the guest satisfaction  使客人满足感最大化  To ensure the wine brought to the table is the one chosen by the guest.  确保我们提供的葡萄酒正是客人所选的  To ensure the guest has the opportunity to taste the wine prior to serving our guests.  在为客人服务之前,确保客人有机会品尝我们的气泡酒

pptx文档 10 如何开和服务一瓶气泡酒

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