HOW TO SERVE A TOOTHPICK 如何服务牙签 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客人的期望: That toothpicks are serve in a neat manner, wit h sufficient toothpicks for all guests by friendly and smiling staff. 牙签摆放整洁,准备足够的牙签给客人使用, 友好和面带微笑的服务员。 Bring a demi tasse plate 拿一个有盖子器具  Bring a demi tasse plate from the pantry area.  从促藏室拿一个有盖子器具  Use a demi tasse plate to insure that the plate is not too big.  但是不能太大 Bring a toothpick holder 拿牙签套  Bring a toothpick holder from the pantry area to the service area.  从库房拿牙签套  Place the toothpick holder on the demi tasse  把牙签套放在盖子上  The toothpick holder should be presented to the guest on a demi tasse plate.  牙签套放在碟子上,并且可以展示在客人面前 Put the toothpick sticks inside the toothpick holder 把牙签放进牙签套  Put the toothpicks inside the toothpick holder standing upright.  把牙签放进牙签套中 Put the toothpick holders filled with toothpicks on th e side station 把装好的牙签放在工作台备用  Place the toothpick holder filled with toothpicks on the side station to ensure fast service for the guest  把装好的牙签放在工作台,以便快速给客人 Bring the full toothpick holder 拿整个牙签盒  Toothpick holder should be served to the guest on a round service tr ay.  用托盘拿牙签套。  The same tray can be used for clearance after the toothpicks have b ee served to avoid going back to the pantry area to get a tray to clea r the table.  当客人用完牙签,用托盘清理,避免回库房 Serve the toothpicks to the guest 给客人上牙签  Serve the toothpicks to the guest after finishing the main course  主菜以后为客人上牙签  Say: “Excuse me, here are the toothpicks”  说:打扰您了,这是牙签。 Place the toothpick holder 放牙签盒  Place the toothpick holder in the middle of the table to ensure t hat all the guests can reach it.  把牙签放在桌在的中间,以便每个客人都能够拿到牙签 Summary questions 总结 Why should you use a demi-tasse plate? 1. 为什么要用有盖子的盘子? Why should you use a service tray? 2. 为什么用服务托盘 ? Why should you clear at the same time after you have served the toothpicks? 3. 为什么服务完牙签就清洁桌面? Why do you serve the toothpicks after the main course if finished? 4. 为什么主菜后上牙签? Why should the toothpicks be placed in the middle of the table? 5. 为什么牙签放在桌子中间?  Why is this task important for you and our guests? Answers: 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? 答案:  To ensure maximum guest satisfaction  最大限度的满足客户需求  To ensure toothpicks are served consistently  牙签的服务方式始终一致  To ensure the guests receives the toothpick on time  确保客人及时得到牙签 Coaster service 杯垫服务  In addition to the wine glass, champagne glass, have bottom disc cup  除 葡萄酒杯 香槟杯 有底碟的杯具以外,  Lobby lounge all soft drink produced need coaster  大堂吧所有饮品出品需配杯垫 顺序: Coast , drinks 杯垫,饮品, One cup with one coaster 一个杯子配一个杯垫

pptx文档 9 如何服务牙签杯垫

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