“冬日仙境”游乐场地免责声明 “Winter Wonderland”Playground Disclaimer 请仔细阅读本须知并遵守各项规定,根据自身身体状况选择娱乐项目。如发生碰撞、摔伤及一切人体损 伤事故责任,均由本人自行承担。凡参与冰雪活动的均视为具有完全民事行为能力的人,带孩子的宾客 作为孩子的监护人代替孩子行使完全民事行为能力,须依法对自身及孩子的人身财产安全具有审慎的 注意义务和自我保护义务。 THESE FACILITIES ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR PLEASURE. USE OF THIS FACILITY IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. PLEASE PRACTICE SAFETY AND COURTESY WHILE EXERCISING. All those who participate in snow and ice activities are deemed to have full civil capacity, and have the obligation of prudent care and self-protection for their own personal and property safety according to law. 1.不得自带玩具入场。 Do not bring your own toys. 2.气温较低,请自备防寒用品(手套、口罩、套头围巾等) ,做好防寒保暖工作。 Temperature is low, please bring your own cold proof articles (gloves, masks, muffs, etc.) to protect yourself from cold and keep warm. 3.在进行娱乐项目前,请做好热身运动,让身体充分活动、舒展。 Before the recreation, please do a good warm-up exercise, so that the body is active. 4.10 岁以下儿童须在家长或合法监护人的陪同或看护下进场;3 岁以下及 65 岁以上人群不建议上冰; 高血压、关节炎、哮喘病、癫痫、残疾人、心脏疾病等人群及饮酒者、孕妇等不宜参与冰上运动者, 禁止上场游玩。 Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied or under the care of a parent or legal guardian; Children under three years old and seniors over 65 years old are not advised to enter the venue; People with high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, the disabled, heart disease, alcohol drinkers, pregnant women and other people should not participate in ice sports, prohibited to enter the playground. 5.冰雪游乐场路面湿滑,游览行走时要注意防滑;游客在冰面上行走,必须穿戴防滑鞋,以免滑倒, 谨防摔伤;摔倒后不要久躺或久坐冰面,以免阻挡他人的移动,或造成二次碰撞。如需帮助,可以呼 叫工作人员。 Ice and snow playground road is slippery, please pay attention. Visitors walking on the ice must wear non-slip shoes to avoid slipping and injuries. If you need help, please call the staff. 6.禁止进行有可能造成伤害的各种危险活动,如攀爬、翻越围栏、追逐打闹等动作。 Prohibit all kinds of dangerous activities which may cause injury, such as climbing, chasing, etc. 7.请勿在狭窄危险路段休息、拍照,以免造成拥堵和发生意外。 Do not rest or take photos on narrow and dangerous roads to avoid congestion and accidents. 8.请保管好自己的贵重物品,丢失自负。 Please take care of your valuables at your own risk. 在签署本声明之际,我承认我已阅读本协议,我完全了解上述活动所涉及的风险,我自愿接受并承担 与参与上述活动有关的风险。 In signing this statement, I acknowledge that I have read this agreement, that I am fully aware of the risks involved in the activity described above, and that I voluntarily accept and assume the risks associated with participation in the activity described above. Name 姓名: Room NO.房号: Date 日期:

docx文档 游乐场地免责声明Winter WonderlandPlayground Disclaimer

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游乐场地免责声明Winter WonderlandPlayground Disclaimer 第 1 页
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