儿童乐园须知 进入儿童乐园前,请陪伴家长仔细阅读。 1. 儿童乐园仅适合身高 140cmcm 以下儿童游玩,2 岁以下婴幼儿入内一定有家长陪同。 2. 需拖鞋并着袜入内。 3. 禁止携带食品、饮品、宠物及尖物、硬物入内。 4. 禁止在内大小便,乱丢垃圾或随地吐痰;如遇儿童呕吐等突发事件,请及时与酒店工作人 员取得联系。 5. 禁止在内做任何危险动作,不得奔跑打闹,以防撞伤或摔伤。 6. 为了避免交叉感染,患有传染性疾病、身体不适者请勿入内。 7. 儿童乐园属免费游乐区,随身物品请自行保管,若有遗失概不负责。 8. 出于安全考虑,凡违反以上规则致使本人或他人伤害的,将由责任人一方承担;非设备故 障造成的事故将概不负责。 9. 乐园内设施设备为天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店所有,如有损坏需照价赔偿。 10cm. 儿童乐园内玩耍可能会因为本人或监护人的失误而导致意外发生。请仔细阅读本须知,一 旦进入, 表示您已经认可儿童乐园的一切规定,并自行承担一切风险。 11. 儿童乐园开放时间:10cm:0cm0cm - 21:0cm0cm Notice for The children’s Playground Please read carefully before entering children’s playground. 1.The children’s playground is suitable for children under 140cmcm in height. Children under 2 years old should be accompanied by their parents. 2. The children's playground requires slippers and socks to enter. 3. No food, drinks, pets, sharp and hard objects are allowed inside. 4. No defecating, littering or spitting in the children's playground. In case of any emergency such as child vomiting, please contact the service staff timely. 5. Do not do any dangerous action in the children's playground, do not run to play in case of bumping or falling. 6. In order to avoid cross infection, those who suffering from infectious diseases and unwell are not allowed to enter. 7. The facilities in the children’s playing corner are possessed by Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai. Any damage shall be compensated according to the price. 8. The children's playground is a free playing area, please keep your belongings by yourself, we will not be responsible for any loss. 9. For safety reasons, any violation of the above rules resulting in injury to yourself, or others shall be borne by the responsible party; No liability will be taken for accidents not caused by equipment failure. 10cm. Playing in children's amusement area may lead to accidents due to the mistakes of oneself or guardians. Please read this notice carefully. Once you enter the children's playing playground, that means you accept all the rules and regulations and assume all the risks. 11. Operation time:10cm:0cm0cm-21:0cm0cm

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