Name of Item: Mango Yield: 1 Pie Cheesecake Portion Size: 1/12 of a pie Actual Ingredients Weight Measure For Crust: Graham cracker crumbs 2 cups Melted Butter ¼ cup For Filling: Cream Cheese Forecasted Yield: Weight Measure 2.5 # Cornstarch 2 oz. Sugar 12 oz. Eggs, large 10 oz. Egg yolk 2 oz. Vanilla extract 1 tsp. Mango Pulp 12 oz. For Sauce: Mango Pulp 16 oz. Raspberry puree 4 oz. Pre-Preparation 1. Line a 12-inch round pie tin with parchment paper. 2. Mix graham cracker crumbs and butter. Press on bottom of pan. Refrigerate. 3. In a mixer, cream cheese, sugar, and cornstarch till fluffy. Add eggs one at a time till all is incorporated. Add egg yolk, vanilla and mango pulp. Mix well and scrape down sides of bowl. Mix well again. 4. Pour mixture into pan and place in a shallow pan with 1 inch of warm water. Bake in 300degree oven for 90 minutes or till firm. Cool and chill overnight. TO ORDER/PORTION 1. De-mold the cake. Remove parchment paper. Cut cake into 12 wedges. 2. Serve with 1oz. mango pulp and raspberry swirls on mango pulp.

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