Greater China | 大中华区 Food Waste Tracking | 食物垃圾追踪 MESH PLAYBOOK | 手册 MARRIOTT ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY HUB | 万豪环境可持续发展中心 GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS 1 WELCOME | 欢迎 Eric Ong Culinary Director Greater China GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS Eleanor Cunningham Senior Engineering Manager Asia Pacific 2 AGENDA | 议程 This document aims to provide a framework and step by step guidelines for using and implementing food waste tracking on property, to support our long-term sustainability and social impact goals. 本文件旨在提供一个框架和一步一步的指导方针,用于使用和实施房地产食物垃圾跟 踪,以支持我们的长期可持续性和社会影响目标。 Objectives Benefits of food waste reduction The 6 steps to success Awareness & accountability| Separate & measure Sources of food waste Equipment needs Food waste categories Long term vision 2025 Documentation formats Data recording & input into MESH Resources GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS 目标 减少食物浪费的好处 成功的6个步骤 意识和责任 分离与测量 食物垃圾的来源 设备需求 食物垃圾类别 2025 年长期愿景 文档格式 数据记录和输入MESH 资源 3 3 OUR SERVE 360 GOAL | 我们SERVE360目标 : 50% REDUCTION OF FOOD WASTE BY 2025 到2025年的减少食物浪费 GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS 4 BENEFITS OF FOOD WASTE REDUCTION | 减少食物垃圾的好处 By eliminating food waste from entering landfills the following benefits will be the result: 通过消除食物垃圾进入垃圾填埋场,将带来以下好处: A reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (those responsible for climate change) 减少温室气体排放 (应对气候 变化负责 的人) Operational efficiencies including more accurate purchasing and production, time savings 运营效率,包括更准确 的采购和生产, 节省时间 Increased use and distribution of excess food to people that are food insecure 增加对食物不安全人群 过量食物的使用 和分配 GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS Less demand for more agricultural food production that requires land, energy and water resources 减少对更多需要土地、 能源和水资源的 农业粮食生产 的需求 Financial savings to use toward purchasing higher quality products or ingredients 用于购买更高质量产品 或原料的财务节约 Meet growing customer demands tor action to combat food waste 满足不断增长的客户需求, 采取行动打击食物浪费 5 6 STEPS TO SUCCESS 成功的6个步骤 1. Set-up committee and create planning 成立委员会并制定计划 2. Identify equipment 识别设备 3. Separate and measure the sources of food waste 分离和测量食物垃圾的来源 4. Implement into operation 实施 5. Track the waste 追踪浪费 6. Create baseline and 50% reduction plan 2025 GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS 制定2025年基线和50%减排计划 6 AWARENESS & ACCOUNTABILITY 意识和责任 Set up a Food Waste Committee to implement the program: ▪ ▪ ▪ Executive Chef, Outlet Chefs, Hotel Manager, Director of Human Resources, Director of Finance, Marcom, Restaurant Manager Create planning according timeline, objectives and property specific requirements Meet once a month and track and record minutes of meeting 成立食物垃圾委员会来实施该计划: ▪ ▪ ▪ 行政总厨、餐厅主厨、酒店经理、人力资源总监、财务总监、公关、餐厅经理 根据时间表、目标和酒店特定要求制定规划 每月召开一次会议,跟踪并记录会议记录 Awareness: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Training - Associates how to weight, record, check. (What is food waste of the 6 categories) Inspire Associates with ideas with a reward on the team's food waste reduction ideas Set Goals verses Baseline and add to Teams Balance Scorecard – start low to help motivate the team when they hit the goals Seek third party to assist with repurposing / donating food. e.g., S.O.S. 觉悟: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS 培训-员工如何称重、记录和检查。(6类食物垃圾是什么) 通过奖励团队减少食物浪费的想法来激发同事的想法 设定目标和基线,并添加到团队平衡计分卡中——从低开始,以帮助团队在达到 目标时激励他们 寻求第三方协助调整食物用途/捐赠食物。例如:S.O.S。 7 SEPARATE & MEASURE 分离与测量 ▪ The most important step in establishing a successful food waste reduction program and ensuring accurate tracking of food waste. 建立一个成功的食物垃圾减少计划并确保准确跟踪食物垃圾最重要的一步. ▪ Allow properties to understand the types and amounts of food waste being generated and establishes a baseline for reduction. 让酒店了解产生的食物垃圾的类型和数量,并建立减少食物垃圾的基线。 How to get started? | 怎样开始? ▪ Provide associates training to separate food waste from recyclables and other trash. 为员工提供培训,将食物垃圾与可回收物和其他垃圾分开。 ▪ Determine what diversion options (donate to people, feed animals, composting etc) are most efficient and impactful for your property to put in place. 确定哪些转移方案(捐赠给人、喂养动物、堆肥等)对你的酒店最有效、最有影响。 ▪ Ensure the amount of food waste that is measured and diverted is recorded accurately in MESH under the appropriate food waste category. 确保测量和转移的食物垃圾量准确记录在适当食物垃圾类别下的网格中。 The food waste champion should coordinate with the hotel’s department of engineering team to determine who will be responsible for inputting food waste data into MESH. 餐厨垃圾拥护者应与酒店管理部门协调工程团队确定谁将负责将食物垃圾数据输入MESH。 GREATER CHINA OPERATIONS 8 Spoilage Waste | 腐败浪费 SOURCES OF FOOD WASTE 食物垃圾的来源 • • • • To enable properties to understand the types and amo
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