HOW TO SERVE A PACKET OF CI GARETTES 怎样服务香烟 GUEST EXPECTATION: 客人的期望: To have a packet of cigarettes opened correctly, so cigarette s can be taken our easily undamaged. 正确打开一包烟,可以轻易取到一支烟,无损毁 Order a packet of cigarette. 点单一包烟  Confirm with the guest by repeating the order.  重复,以确认客人点单 Placing an order. 下单   Punch the order through the POS machine.  通过 pos 机下单。 Serving a packet of cigarette. 服务香烟  Use a B/B plate as the underliner, place the packet of cigarette with the brand facing upwards and a packet of matches on top.  用面包盘做垫碟,将香烟牌子朝上,再在上面放一包火柴 Presenting the cigarette. 展示香烟  Approach the guest from the right.  走到客人桌前,右边服务 Present the packet of cigarette to the guest by saying, “Mr./Mrs./Ms./Sir/Ma dam XXXX, this is your XXXX. (Mention the brand)  给客人上香烟同时说:“ XXX 先生 / 女士,这是您点的 XXX 牌子的香烟”(一定 要说香烟的品牌。) Summary questions: 总结  Why should you repeat the order?  1. 为什么要重复点单?  Why should the brand name be facing upwards?  2. 为什么要牌子朝上?  Why should you not open the packet?  3. 为什么不打开香烟包?  Why should you add matches  4. 为什么要加火柴?  Why should you mention the brand again to the guest?  5. 为什么要向客人再次重复香烟的牌子?  What to do when you do not have the guests’ choice of brand?  6. 如果没有客人选择的牌子的香烟,我们需要怎么做? is this task important for you and our guests? Why Answers: 为什么这项课题对客人和你都很重要? 答案:  To maximize the guest satisfaction  使客人满足感最大化 To ensure the right packet is brought to the table  确保拿给客人的烟是正确的。 To ensure cigarettes can be taken out easily from the packets after opening  确保为客人打开烟后可以可以很方便的取用

pptx文档 12 怎样服务香烟

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