办理续住 Service Process for Guest Extension Stay [日期] [公司名称] [公司地址] 为客人办理续住的服务流程 一、问候与确认 问候客人: 前台员工首先热情地向客人问候,表达对客人继续选择本酒店的感谢。 确认续住意向: 询问客人是否确定续住,并了解续住的具体天数。 二、核实房型与房号 查询房态: 客人提出续住需求后,需查询酒店的实时房态,确保有足够的房间给客人续住。 核实房型与房号: 与客人核实续住房型、房号是否与原先一致,如有变动,需及时告知客人并做 相应调整。 三、更新续住信息 更新系统信息: 在系统中更新客人的续住信息,包括续住天数、新的离店日期等。 四、处理费用问题 核算续住费用: 根据客人的续住天数和房型,核算续住的费用。 告知费用并收款: 向客人说明续住的费用明细,并安排客人支付续住费用。 收取押金: 押金的支付方式可以是现金、信用卡预授权或其他酒店接受的支付方式。 五、提供其他服务 推荐酒店服务: 在办理续住过程中,可以适时向客人推荐酒店的其他服务或设施,如餐厅、泳 池、SPA、健身房等。 解答疑问: 对于客人提出的关于续住或其他酒店服务的疑问,前台员工应耐心解答,确保 客人满意。 六、送别与感谢 送别客人: 在办理完续住手续后,前台员工应礼貌地送别客人,并祝愿客人在酒店度过愉 快的时光。 感谢选择: 再次感谢客人选择本酒店,并表达期待客人下次光临的愿望。 通过以上流程,前台员工可以高效、专业地为客人办理续住服务,提升客人的满意 度和忠诚度。同时,这也体现了酒店对客人需求的关注和细致服务的精神。 Service Process for Guest Extension Stay I. Greeting and Confirmation Greeting the Guest: The front desk staff first greets the guest warmly and expresses gratitude for the guest's continued choice of our hotel. Confirming the Intent to Extend Stay: Inquire whether the guest is certain about extending their stay and understand the specific number of days for the extension. II. Verifying Room Type and Number Checking Room Availability: After the guest expresses the intention to extend their stay, it is necessary to check the hotel's real-time room availability to ensure sufficient rooms for the guest's extension. Verifying Room Type and Number: Confirm with the guest whether the room type and number for the extension stay are the same as before. If there are any changes, promptly inform the guest and make corresponding adjustments. III. Updating Extension Stay Information Updating the Reservation System: Update the guest's extension stay information in the system, including the number of extension days, new check-out date, etc. Printing Extension Stay Documents: Print new extension stay documents for the guest, including a new room card, bill, etc. IV. Handling Fees Calculating Extension Stay Fees: Calculate the extension stay fees based on the guest's number of extension days and room type. Informing Fees and Collecting Payment: Explain the breakdown of extension stay fees to the guest and arrange for the guest to pay the extension stay fees. Collecting Deposit: The deposit can be paid in cash, through a credit card preauthorization, or other payment methods accepted by the hotel. V. Providing Additional Services Recommending Hotel Services: During the extension stay process, it is advisable to recommend other hotel services or facilities to the guest at an appropriate time, such as the restaurant, swimming pool, SPA, gym, etc. Answering Queries: Patiently answer any questions the guest may have about the extension stay or other hotel services to ensure guest satisfaction. VI. Farewell and Gratitude Farewell to the Guest: After completing the extension stay procedures, the front desk staff should politely bid farewell to the guest and wish them a pleasant stay at the hotel. Thanking for the Choice: Express gratitude to the guest once again for choosing our hotel and express the hope of welcoming them back in the future.

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