团队客人入住流程 Process for Group Guests Check-in 2024-3-29 酒店英语 中国·三亚 一、准备工作 1. 销售部与团队客人联系,查阅并核对预订信息(人数、房型、 入住/离店日期等)。 2. 确认酒店房间数量是否满足团队需求,并预留额外房间以应对 突发情况。 3. 协调相关部门满足团队客人的特殊需求(如加床、婴儿床、特 殊饮食等)。 4. 准备入住所需物资(房间钥匙卡、入住登记表、欢迎包等)。 5. 通知礼宾部,安排行李员和行李车。 二、迎接团队客人 1. 在大堂或指定地点热情迎接团队客人。 2. 协助领队或导游核实团队信息和预订细节。 3. 安排行李员处理行李(卸下、寄存或运送至房间)。 三、办理入住手续 1. 核对客人身份证件,进行人脸比对。 2. 根据预订信息分配房间,制作并交付房卡。 3. 提供入住指南,介绍酒店设施、服务及注意事项。 四、行李处理 1. 告知客人行李运送安排。 2. 如有优先需求,及时安排行李员优先处理。 五、处理特殊要求 1. 及时响应并协调满足客人的加床、换房等要求。 2. 与餐饮部协调满足客人的特殊饮食需求。 六、记录与跟进 1. 记录团队客人的入住信息。 2. 将信息录入酒店管理系统,方便查询和跟进。 3. 关注团队客人的入住体验,处理投诉或问题。 4. 收集离店反馈,用于改进服务。 七、沟通与协调 1. 保持与团队客人的良好沟通,提供优质服务。 2. 与其他部门保持协调,确保需求及时满足。 3. 与团队领队保持密切合作,确保团队活动顺利。 4. 准备应对紧急情况的流程,确保入住体验不受影响。 Process for Group Guests Check-in I. Preparation 1. The sales department contacts the group guests, reviews and verifies the reservation information (number of people, room type, check-in/check-out dates, etc.). 2. Confirm whether the number of hotel rooms meets the group's needs and reserve additional rooms to cope with emergencies. 3. Coordinate with relevant departments to meet the special needs of group guests (such as extra beds, baby cots, special diets, etc.). 4. Prepare the necessary supplies for check-in (room key cards, check-in registration forms, welcome packages, etc.). 5. Notify the concierge department to arrange bellboys and luggage carts. II. Welcoming Group Guests 1. Warmly welcome the group guests in the lobby or designated area. 2. Assist the team leader or tour guide in verifying the team information and reservation details. 3. Arrange for bellboys to handle luggage (unload, store, or transport to the room). III. Check-in Procedure 1. Verify the guest's identity documents and conduct face recognition. 2. Allocate rooms based on reservation information, prepare and deliver room cards. 3. Provide a check-in guide introducing hotel facilities, services, and notes for attention. IV. Luggage Handling 1. Inform guests of the luggage transportation arrangement. 2. Arrange for bellboys to prioritize luggage handling if there are priority needs. V. Handling Special Requests 1. Promptly respond and coordinate to meet guests' requests for extra beds, room changes, etc. 2. Coordinate with the catering department to fulfill the guests' special dietary needs. VI. Recording and Follow-up 1. Record the check-in information of group guests. 2. Enter the information into the hotel management system for easy query and follow-up. 3. Monitor the check-in experience of group guests and address complaints or issues. 4. Collect feedback upon departure for service improvement. VII. Communication and Coordination 1. Maintain good communication with group guests to provide quality service. 2. Coordinate with other departments to ensure timely fulfillment of needs. 3. Maintain close cooperation with the team leader to ensure smooth team activities. 4. Prepare emergency response procedures to ensure an uninterrupted check-in experience.

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