[文档标题] [文档副标题] 一、接待与确认 1. 问候与确认身份 o 当客人前来寄存贵重物品时,酒店员工应热情问候,并 礼貌地请客人出示房卡或相关证明以确认其身份。 o 通过核对客人的身份信息,确保其为住店客人或具有合 法寄存权限。 2. 介绍服务 o 向客人简要介绍贵重物品寄存服务的流程、注意事项及 安全措施,确保客人对服务有充分的了解。 二、填写寄存卡 1. 提供寄存卡 o 提供“贵重物品寄存卡”,并向客人解释各项填写内容的 意义。 2. 协助填写 o 指引客人填写寄存卡,包括房号、姓名、住址、身份证 号、联系电话等关键信息。 o 确保填写内容准确、完整,并请客人核对无误后签名确 认。 三、选择并存放 1. 选择保险箱 o 根据客人寄存的贵重物品的大小和数量,为客人选择合 适的保险箱。 2. 存放物品 o 在客人的陪同下,一同进入贵重物品寄存室。 o 请客人亲自将贵重物品放入保险箱,确保物品的安全与 隐私。 四、保险箱操作 1. 保险箱锁闭与钥匙管理 o 当着客人的面,将保险箱锁闭,确保物品的安全。 o 将一把客用钥匙交给客人保管,同时确保总钥匙在酒店 前台得到妥善保管。 o 提醒客人妥善保管钥匙,并在需要时出示钥匙以开启保 险箱。 五、记录与交接 1. 记录信息 o 在 PMS 系统中,在客人房间下备注保险箱号码,并在前 台交接班本上记录相关信息。 2. 交接班 o 在交接班时,将寄存贵重物品的情况告知接班人员,确 保信息的连续性和准确性。 六、中途开启 1. 中途开启 o 若客人在寄存期间需中途开启保险箱,必须出示本人身 份证和钥匙。 o 核对客人身份和钥匙无误后,协助客人开启保险箱,并 记录开启时间、原因等信息。 七、取走贵重物品 1. 礼貌接待与身份核实: o 服务员首先热情接待客人,并礼貌地要求客人出示身份 证明。 o 以及之前存放贵重物品时给予的凭证,如保险箱钥匙或 寄存单等,以核实客人的身份和确保客人有权取走相关 物品。 2. 协助开启保险箱或储物柜: o 在确认客人身份无误后,服务员会陪同客人前往贵重物 品存放区。 o 对于使用保险箱的客人,服务员会当着客人的面使用两 把钥匙(一把客人钥匙,一把总钥匙)将保险箱打开; o 对于使用储物柜的客人,服务员会协助客人打开储物柜。 3. 核对并取出物品: o 在保险箱或储物柜打开后,服务员会请客人自行核对并 取出其存放的贵重物品。 o 服务员在此过程中应注意回避,以示礼貌和尊重,避免 干扰客人。 4. 检查物品与保险箱/储物柜状态: o 在客人取出所有物品后,服务员会再次检查保险箱或储 物柜,确保没有遗漏任何物品。 o 同时,也会检查保险箱或储物柜的完好状态,以防有任 何损坏。 5. 记录并处理相关凭证: o 如果客人使用的是保险箱,服务员会请客人在相关的记 录卡上签字确认取走了物品,并收回客人持有的保险箱 钥匙。 o 对于使用储物柜的客人,服务员会收回寄存单并做相应 的记录。 6. 礼貌送客并感谢: o 最后,服务员会礼貌地送客人离开,并感谢客人使用酒 店的贵重物品存放服务。 o 同时,也要提醒客人检查是否还有其他物品需要取走, 并确保客人的满意离开。 八、注意事项  在整个服务过程中,始终保持礼貌、专业和热情的态度,为客 人提供优质的服务体验。  严格遵守酒店的贵重物品保管规定,确保客人的财物安全。  对于任何疑问或特殊情况,应及时与上级或相关部门沟通,以 确保服务的顺利进行。 Valuable Item Storage Service Process I. Reception and Verification 1. Greeting and Confirming Identity o Warmly greet the guest as they come to store valuable items. o Politely request the guest to present their room key or relevant identification for identity verification. o Verify that the guest is either a hotel guest or has legitimate storage authorization. 2. Service Introduction o Briefly explain the valuable item storage process, guidelines, and safety measures to ensure the guest’s understanding. II. Completing the Storage Card 1. Providing the Storage Card o Offer the “Valuable Item Storage Card” to the guest. o Explain the purpose of each field on the card. 2. Assisting with Filling Out the Card o Guide the guest through filling out the card, including room number, name, address, ID number, contact phone, etc. o Ensure accurate and complete information and ask the guest to verify before signing. III. Selection and Placement 1. Choosing the Safe Deposit Box o Based on the size and quantity of the guest’s valuable items, select an appropriate safe deposit box. 2. Storing the Items o Accompany the guest to the valuable item storage room. o Have the guest personally place their valuable items inside the safe deposit box to ensure security and privacy. IV. Safe Deposit Box Operations 1. Locking the Safe Deposit Box and Key Management o Lock the safe deposit box in front of the guest to ensure item security. o Hand over a guest key for safekeeping, while ensuring the master key is securely stored at the hotel front desk. o Remind the guest to safeguard the key and present it when needed to open the safe deposit box. V. Recording and Shift Handover 1. Recording Information o In the PMS, add a note about the safe deposit box number for the guest’s checkout. o Record relevant information in the front desk shift handover log. 2. Shift Handover o Inform the incoming staff about the stored valuable items to maintain continuity and accuracy of information. VI. Mid-Opening 1. Mid-Opening o If the guest needs to open the safe deposit box during storage, they must present their ID and key. o Verify the guest’s identity and key, assist with opening the safe deposit box, and record details like the opening time and reason. VII. Removing Valuables 1. Polite Reception and Identity Verification: o The attendant first warmly greets the guest and politely requests them to present identification. o Along with the proof provided during the deposit of valuables, such as the safe box key or storage receipt, to verify the guest's identity and ensure they have the right to remove the relevant items. 2. Assisting with Opening the Safe Box or Storage Locker: o After confirming the guest's identity, the attendant escorts them to the valuables storage area. o For guests using a safe box, the attendant opens the safe in front of the guest using two keys (one guest key and one master key). o For g

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