接机服务工作流程 Airport Pickup Service Workflow 2024-3-26 酒店英语 中国·三亚 一、准备工作 1. 接收接机信息 礼宾部员工需从前台或预订部门接收客人的接机信息,包括航班 o 号、预计到达时间、客人姓名、联系方式等。 核实信息准确性,如有疑问及时与前台或客人本人沟通确认。 o 2. 安排车辆与人员 o 根据客人的到达时间和人数,安排合适的车辆和驾驶员。 o 确保车辆整洁、安全,驾驶员熟悉路线且具备良好服务意识。 o 确保车辆内有足够的充电接口(USB 端口)供客人使用。 o 与餐饮部联系准备欢迎饮料和小食礼盒。 3. 准备接机牌 o 制作接机牌,上面写明客人的姓名或酒店名称,以便客人辨认。 o 确保接机牌在显眼位置,便于客人看到。 二、前往机场 1. 提前出发 o 根据预计的航班到达时间,提前出发前往机场,预留足够的时间 以应对可能的交通延误。 2. 保持联系 o 出发后,礼宾部员工需保持与酒店的联系,随时了解航班动态。 o 如遇航班延误或取消,及时通知酒店和客人,调整接机计划。 三、机场迎接 1. 等候客人 在机场到达大厅的显眼位置等候客人,手持接机牌,便于客人辨 o 认。 2. 识别并迎接客人 o 根据客人的特征(如姓名、外貌等)准确识别客人。 o 主动上前问候,介绍自己及酒店,表达对客人的欢迎。 3. 协助客人 o 协助客人提取行李,确保行李安全无误。 o 如客人有其他需求(如使用轮椅、特殊协助等),提供相应帮助。 四、返回酒店 1. 向客人介绍行程 o 准备一份酒店及周边环境的印刷品或电子资料,供客人在车上阅 读。 o 在返回酒店的途中,向客人介绍酒店的设施、服务及当地风土人 情,让客人对即将入住的酒店有一个初步的了解。 2. 提供欢迎饮料 礼貌地邀请客人品尝酒店特制的欢迎饮料,并简要介绍饮料的特 o 色和配方。这不仅能体现酒店对客人的尊重和关怀,还能让客人 在轻松愉快的氛围中享受旅途的尾声。 根据客人的喜好和需求,提供不同口味的欢迎饮料选择,确保每 o 位客人都能感受到酒店的用心服务。 3. 关注客人需求 在提供欢迎饮料的同时,密切关注客人的需求,如调整车内温度、 o 播放音乐等,确保客人在舒适的环境中享受服务。 在抵达酒店后,如有需要,协助客人办理入住手续,并将客人的 o 行李送至房间。 五、后续工作 4. 办理入住 o 在抵达酒店后,如有需要,协助客人办理入住手续,并将客人的 行李送至房间。 o 对于 VIP 客人,将会由管家直接送客人到房间,在房间里办理入 住手续。 2. 反馈接机情况 o 返回酒店后,向礼宾部经理或前台报告接机情况,包括客人的反 馈、特殊需求等。 3. 总结与改进 o 总结本次接机服务的经验教训,提出改进建议。 o 不断优化接机流程,提高服务质量。 I. Preparation 1. Receiving Pickup Information o Concierge staff should receive the guest’s pickup information from the front desk or reservation department, including flight number, estimated arrival time, guest’s name, contact information, etc. o Verify the accuracy of the information and communicate with the front desk or the guest directly if there are any doubts. 2. Arranging Vehicles and Personnel o Arrange suitable vehicles and drivers according to the guest’s arrival time and number of people. o Ensure that the vehicle is clean, safe, and that the driver is familiar with the route and has a good sense of service. o Ensure that there are enough charging ports (USB ports) in the vehicle for guests to use. o Coordinate with the catering department to prepare welcome drinks and snack boxes. 3. Preparing the Pickup Sign o Create a pickup sign with the guest’s name or the hotel’s name for easy identification by the guest. o Ensure that the pickup sign is in a prominent position for the guest to see easily. II. Going to the Airport 1. Departing Early o Depart early for the airport based on the estimated flight arrival time, allowing enough time to deal with possible traffic delays. 2. Maintaining Contact o After departure, the concierge staff should maintain contact with the hotel to stay updated on the flight status. o If there are flight delays or cancellations, promptly notify the hotel and the guest to adjust the pickup plan. III. Airport Welcome 1. Waiting for the Guest o Wait for the guest in a visible location in the airport arrival hall, holding the pickup sign for easy identification by the guest. 2. Identifying and Greeting the Guest o Accurately identify the guest based on their characteristics (such as name, appearance, etc.). o Proactively approach, greet, introduce yourself and the hotel, and express a warm welcome to the guest. 3. Assisting the Guest o Assist the guest with luggage retrieval, ensuring the luggage is secure and correct. o If the guest has other needs (such as using a wheelchair, special assistance, etc.), provide the necessary help. IV. Returning to the Hotel 1. Introducing the Itinerary to the Guest o Prepare printed or electronic materials about the hotel and its surroundings for the guest to read in the car. o During the return to the hotel, introduce the hotel’s facilities, services, and local customs to give the guest a preliminary understanding of the hotel they will be staying at. 2. Offering Welcome Drinks o Politely invite the guest to taste the hotel’s specially prepared welcome drink and briefly introduce the drink’s features and recipe. This not only reflects the hotel’s respect and care for the guest but also allows the guest to enjoy the end of their journey in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. o Provide a selection of welcome drinks with different flavors according to the guest’s preferences and needs, ensuring that every guest feels the hotel’s attentive service. 3. Attending to Guest Needs o While offering welcome drinks, closely monitor the guest’s needs, such as adjusting the car’s temperature, playing music, etc., to ensure the guest enjoys the service in a comfortable environment. o Upon arrival a

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