寄存行李服务流程 Service Process for Checking Luggage 2024-3-29 酒店英语 中国·三亚 一、迎接客人并确认需求 1. 微笑迎接 o 礼宾部员工应保持微笑,使用礼貌用语主动向客人问好。 2. 询问需求 o 主动询问客人是否需要帮忙。 二、检查行李并记录信息 1. 检查行李状况 o 检查行李的完整性,确保没有破损或污渍。 o 询问客人行李内是否有贵重物品或易碎品,并提醒客人 自行保管。 2. 记录行李信息 o 使用行李寄存单,记录行李的数量、颜色、特征等信息。 o 请客人填写行李寄存单上的个人信息,包括姓名、房间 号、联系方式等。 三、发放行李寄存凭证 1. 核对信息 o 仔细核对行李信息与客人填写的行李寄存单是否一致。 o 确保信息准确无误后,将行李寄存单的第二联交给客人, 作为领取行李的凭证。 2. 说明注意事项 o 告知客人行李寄存的时间限制和领取地点。 o 提醒客人妥善保管行李寄存凭证,领取行李时需出示此 凭证。 四、安全存放行李 1. 选择合适位置 o 根据行李的大小和特征,选择合适的存放位置。 o 确保行李摆放整齐,方便查找和取用。 2. 确保行李安全 o 使用行李锁或其他安全措施,确保行李在存放期间的安 全。 o 定期检查存放区域,确保行李未受损坏或丢失。 五、客人领取行李 1. 核实凭证 o 客人前来领取行李时,礼宾部员工应核实客人的行李寄 存凭证。 o 检查凭证上的信息与系统记录是否一致。 2. 确认行李信息 o 根据凭证上的信息,找到对应的行李。 o 核对行李的颜色、特征等是否与记录相符。 3. 交付行李 o 将行李交给客人,并请客人检查行李是否完好。 六、结束服务并致谢 1. 感谢客人 o 向客人表示感谢,感谢其选择酒店的行李寄存服务。 o 祝福客人有美好的一天。 2. 记录服务完成 o 在行李寄存记录本上标记该笔服务已完成。 o 整理行李寄存区域,为下一位客人提供优质的服务。 通过以上详细的工作流程描述,礼宾部员工可以更好地为酒店客人 提供高效、专业的行李寄存服务,提升客人的满意度和酒店的形象。 Service Process for Checking Luggage for Hotel Guests I. Greeting Guests and Confirming Needs 1. Smile and greet o Concierge staff should maintain a smile and greet guests proactively using polite language. 2. Inquiry about needs o Actively ask guests if they need assistance. II. Checking Luggage and Recording Information 1. Inspecting luggage condition o Check the integrity of the luggage to ensure there is no damage or stains. o Ask if there are any valuables or fragile items in the luggage and remind guests to keep them themselves. 2. Recording luggage information o Use a luggage storage form to record information such as the number, color, and characteristics of the luggage. o Ask guests to fill out their personal information on the luggage storage form, including name, room number, contact details, etc. III. Issuing Luggage Storage Receipt 1. Verifying information o Carefully check if the luggage information matches the information filled out by the guest on the luggage storage form. o Once the information is confirmed to be accurate, hand the second copy of the luggage storage form to the guest as proof for retrieving the luggage. 2. Explaining matters of attention o Inform guests of the time limit for luggage storage and the retrieval location. o Remind guests to keep the luggage storage receipt safely as it is required for retrieving the luggage. IV. Safely Storing Luggage 1. Choosing an appropriate location o Select a suitable storage location based on the size and characteristics of the luggage. o Ensure luggage is neatly arranged for easy access and retrieval. 2. Ensuring luggage safety o Use luggage locks or other security measures to ensure the safety of the luggage during storage. o Regularly inspect the storage area to ensure luggage is not damaged or lost. V. Guest Collecting Luggage 1. Verifying receipt o When guests come to collect their luggage, concierge staff should verify the guest's luggage storage receipt. o Check if the information on the receipt matches the system records. 2. Confirming luggage information o Locate the corresponding luggage based on the information on the receipt. o Verify if the color, characteristics, etc., of the luggage match the records. 3. Delivering luggage o Hand over the luggage to the guest and ask them to check if it is intact. VI. Ending Service and Expressing Gratitude 1. Thanking the guest o Express gratitude to the guest for choosing the hotel's luggage storage service. o Wish the guest a wonderful day. 2. Recording service completion o Mark the completion of the service in the luggage storage record book. o Organize the luggage storage area to provide quality service to the next guest. Through the above detailed workflow description, concierge staff can better provide efficient and professional luggage storage services to hotel guests, enhancing guest satisfaction and the hotel's image.

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